Cucumber REST Gherkin library

Cucumber library for simpler e2e tests with predefined sentences for API and basic database access for Spring.

Cucumber REST Gherkin library

Java CI with Gradle Quality Gate Status

This library supports some basic sentences to handle REST API calls and basic database operations.

It is based on Cucumber and helps to support Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD).

Cucumber executes Steps in form of Gherkin language.

Read also about Anti-Patterns of Cucumber to avoid problems and to have a clear style.

See Changelog for release information.

The library tests with itself and with a dummy application in the test sources to have a lot of examples for the usage. There you can also find custom-matcher for JSON-Assert. See src/test folder for examples.

How to integrate

The library is available on Maven Central.




dependencies {
    testImplementation "io.github.ragin-lundf:bdd-cucumber-gherkin-lib:${version.bdd-cucumber-gherkin-lib}"


The documentation of the configuration, integration and available sentences can be found in the Wiki.