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Jenkins management in Go for Kubernetes, Jenkins Configuration as Code (JCasC) and Jenkins JobDSL.

Template Placeholder

This documentation describes all possible template placeholders that can be used in all template files.

Placeholder Description Source old config
`` Placeholder for the Jenkins deployment name configuration jenkins.controller.deploymentName JENKINS_MASTER_DEPLOYMENT_NAME
`` Placeholder for the domain entered by the user user input n/a
`` Placeholder for the existing peristent volume claim user input n/a
`` Placeholder for the IP address user input n/a
`` Placeholder for the Jenkins URI prefix (e.g. /jenkins) configuration jenkins.controller.defaultURIPrefix JENKINS_MASTER_DEFAULT_URI_PREFIX
`` Placeholder for a Jenkins URL. If nginx.loadbalancer.annotations.enabled is true, the entered domain or <namespace>.<configuration nginx.loadbalancer.externalDNS.hostName>. Otherwise the IP address will be returned. n/a
`` Placeholder for the namespace user input n/a

More placeholder

| Description | Link | | — | — | | Jenkins configuration as Code (JCasC) jcasc_config.yaml placeholder | | | Jenkins deployment jenkins_helm_values.yaml placeholder | | | Nginx Ingress Controller nginx_ingress_helm_values.yaml placeholder | | | Persistent Volume Claim pvc_claim.yaml placeholder | |